Member-only story
How writing on Medium helps me day to day
Medium has been a Godsend as it has helped me in many ways over the last few years. I started writing regularly on Medium in 2021 and since then it’s become an important feature in my life.
Not a lot of hobbies stick for me, but I think that Medium is here to stay as it provides so many benefits and I enjoy doing it.
Many people join Medium and quit. They join for the wrong reasons and naturally things don’t go as planned for them. If you have realistic expectations and the right intentions you can do well on this platform.
It helps me financially
The beauty of Medium is that you can use it to make money. It’s not going to make you a millionaire but it’s a solid side hustle for people who love to write.
When times were tough during the pandemic I made a lot of money from Medium 2 months in a row. It came out of nowhere as I was only writing once a week at the time and it felt like it was a gift from God.
It was exactly what I needed and it’s one of the biggest if not the biggest coincidence of my life.
Nowadays I make enough extra money to help pay off my debts which is all I need at the moment. There is no such thing as bad extra money on top of your wages.