Listening to Middle-class people as a working-class person will keep you poor

The Ordinary Man
4 min readFeb 11, 2024

You’d think that spending time with and listening to people who have more money than you would help you make more money, but sometimes the exact opposite can be true. This is because of something called generational wealth and circumstances.

Most millionaires today are self-made, but the same isn’t the case for the middle class. Most middle-class people get their money through family and privilege, so a lot of them don’t know anything about money, including the real value of it. Why would you learn about money when you already have it?

This is even more true when you see middle-class people complain about how there is no hope because they can’t afford to live the same level of lifestyle as their parents right out of college. Who knew you had to work for the things that you want?

If you’re working class then you’re better off learning from people who were in your position or people who are rich and got rich by working for it. The people in the middle are just hanging out pretending to be humble.

The lack of help

Working-class people typically don’t have much or any help, whilst middle-class people get a decent amount. Middle-class people will complain about their selfish boomer parents but those very…



The Ordinary Man

Money, health, relationships & self-mastery. It's an adventure.