Member-only story
Road Man culture is embarrassing
For those of you who are unfamiliar, a Roadman is the British version of being hood. There are a few differences due to culture and circumstances but that’s essentially what it is.
As a black man, I’ve always been expected to be Road or at least like the culture, but the truth is I hate it, and I hate it with every fibre of my being. American hood culture is cool, well most of it. I do understand it’s a horrific thing to live through and it’s something that shouldn’t be glorified.
There is a lot more style, swagger, personality, gripping stories, and variety. More than that, there is more of a reason to be this way in the US. In the UK, it feels forced.
I hate it culturally
I hate the slang. It’s dumb, it’s not cool, and it makes black people seem like they have learning difficulties. When you speak to someone who talks with Road slang you can’t take them seriously as they sound confused and speak purely in trendy buzz words. There is no information coming out of their mouth.
I hate the fashion. Calling is fashion is a bit much, it’s mostly tracksuit bottoms in grey or black, a gillet or puffer cost, a man bag, and now a balaclava. I’ve never looked at that and thought, “That looks fire” because it doesn’t. It looks like someone in scary pyjamas. They’ve also been dressing…