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What to do when you have no career direction
Having no career direction can be looked at in 2 ways. The first way is that it’s a catastrophe, you’re going to go nowhere in your career, and you’re going to end up living at home forever surrounded by the losers you grew up with.
The second is to look at it as an opportunity to learn more about yourself and what you want out of life. It’s an excuse to break free from your dull life and do new things.
Do some research
Do some research into what you think you’d like to do and what it takes to get there. I did this and realised that every job looks awful written down. When you look into what it takes to go into certain careers you’ll realise that it’s never as hard as you think it is — most of the time.
This realisation will give you the confidence that you need to pursue things that you were once too afraid to. Having knowledge is the best way to build confidence in your career and in life in general.
Learn more about yourself
The only way to truly know what you want to do with the rest of your life is to get to know yourself. People that know themselves typically know what direction they want to go in their careers from a young age.