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Which country has the dumbest work culture in the world?
Which country has the dumbest work culture in the world? It would be interesting to hear from people in the comments on what it’s like in their country or where they live in their country, as cultures can vary within countries too.
For example, in Gloucestershire, UK, it’s frowned upon to have an IQ higher than a squirrel. But overall the UK probably has one of the better work cultures and it’s something I am grateful for.
People in this country complain about how much time we have to spend at work but it isn’t that much compared to other countries. The average work week in this country is 35.9 hours and that’s easy, plus we get good holiday allocation too.
The only complaint I have is about the wages and the people you have to work with. When I come home stressed on a Friday it isn’t because of the work or job, it’s because of the people I have to work with. You give people everything and they’ll cause problems out of thin air.
If you look at some cultures in other countries then you will quickly see how lucky we are here.
And please feel free to correct me on anything that I got wrong, it’s all about learning here. The more we know the better we can avoid toxic workplaces.